4th Implementation Science School Highlights








Expert faculty members

Memories of ISS4

Group Presentations from the 4th Implementation Science School Trainees

Implementation and effectiveness of school-based salt reduction intervention among adolescents in Southern China: A hybrid type3 study

eNhancing uptAke of menTal heALth (NATAL) screening for pregnant women living with HIV in South Africa

PHAM: the effect of Physical Activity in people with NCD Multimorbidity: A randomised-controlled trial in Nigeria

MHEASEL: Improving MEntal HEalth among Adolescents in Nigeria through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Impact and Process Evaluation of the Cervical Cancer Screening Program implemented in HIV Care and Treatment Centers of Tanzania

Step Up: A cluster randomised trial to assess a multi-level school-based intervention to promote healthy behaviours and reduce overweight/obesity in adolescents in Beijing, China

An integrated mental health intervention for domestic violence (DV) survivors in Goa, India: A hybrid type 2 trial

Community Integrated Diabetes Prevention Package (CIDPP) for people in Chennai, India

Trainees and Facilitators

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